Spring is a great time to move
March 11, 2022Read our latest article here; https://mailchi.mp/d75462197166/spring-is-a-great-time-to-move?e=[UNIQID]
Read our latest article here; https://mailchi.mp/d75462197166/spring-is-a-great-time-to-move?e=[UNIQID]
Rocky Ridge retirement received some lovely thank-you letters from the Salvation Army and the Calgary Food bank following our Christmas Drives.
One of our residents has a large wooden giraffe standing guard at her door. Each holiday, season, event she has created a different outfit for him to wear. Gus is ready to celebrate St. Patrick’s day with us. We have [Read more]
We wish all the women around the world Happy International Women’s Day!
On March 1st, we celebrated Mardi Gras with a themed dinner, decorated tables, jazz background music and staff wearing masks!
Our March activity calendar is out. We have lots of activities planned including a whole week celebrating St. Patrick’s Day!
Rocky Ridge hosted a special Valentines Lunch and Dinner! Our day was filled with fun activities, some singing and dancing. Just a lovely time overall.
With Valentines around the corner, we’d like to share some amazing love stories of our resident couples.
Staff received a lovely note from our residents and their family. We couldn’t be more happier with the support and love from everyone in this community.
Recently our residents made some art out using Q-tips and toothbrushes and it looked amazing! Best of all our residents had lots of fun doing it…….